
  • 3Departments
  • 155Undergraduates
  • 262MResearch Funds
    2IBS Research Centers

Department status

학과별 현황 정보
Department of Physics Department of Mathematical Sciences Department of Chemistry Total
Professors 21 14 27 59
Undergraduates 51 38 66 155
Graduates 112 39 142 293
Research Funds 99M 34M 129M 262M
Research Centers 2 3 5
IBS Research Centers 2 2

Student status

재학생 현황 정보
Department of Physics Department of Mathematical Sciences Department of Chemistry Total
Undergraduates 51 38 66 155
Master Course 9 7 10 26
Integrated Ph.D. Course 82 23 105 210
Ph.D. Course 21 9 27 57

Graduation status

From 2009 to 2024.2
졸업생 현황 정보
Department of Physics Department of Mathematical Sciences Department of Chemistry Total
Bachelor Degree 145 89 314 548
Master Degree 28 28 123 179
Ph.D. Degree 44 23 123 190